1 dic 2012

Andrea Bianconi at Residency Unlimited, Brooklyn, NY


Tuesday Oct. 23rd, 2012 - 6:30pm
in presence of cura.books for the launch of the artistsʼ book ROMANCE by Andrea Bianconi
Location: Residency Unlimited
360 Court Street (green door),
Brooklyn, NY 11231
directions here
Join us for this very special evening where Andrea Bianconi will present his latest project ROMANCE defined by the unicity of 3 overlapping components: the artistʼs book ROMANCE (cura.books), a performance by Bianconi and an animation film.
ROMANCE is a blend of construction and deconstruction, closing and opening, intimacy and extroversion — an endless chain of associations.
ROMANCE is an artistʼs book published by cura.books, that illustrates a segment of Bianconiʼs stream of consciousness in which each page incorporates several images that reveal a representation of the artistʼs thoughts as they appear in the
mind. The text is traversed by an unreachable flow of meaning.There is a continuous relationship between e ach word, thus each image is connected to the next. There is no beginning nor end, but rather a circular narrative indicating a discourse-course that is crossed by an endless chain of associations, void, surplus, lapsus. In the first page Bianconi writes ” I would run away but there is the reality”.
ROMANCE is an animation film alluding to Italo Calvinoʼs ʻmental cinemaʼ and a quest for ” traces of something that may not ever exist”. This video was produced with the support of RU.
ROMANCE is a performance.The artist is still and motionless. The video is projected onto his face. “The Brainʼs Mental Cinema” writes Calvino in “Lezioni Americane” is always at work in each one of us, and it always has been, even before the invention of the cinema. Nor does it ever stop projecting images before our mindʼs eyes”
About the publication ROMANCE by Andrea Bianconi
Dimension (Width x Height): 120 x 170 mm
Black and White
Pages: 96
Published in September 2012 during Bianconiʼs residency with RU.
Andrea Bianconiʼs residency is made possible with the support of Furini Arte Contemporanea, Rome and Barbara Davis Gallery, Houston, TX and SEA. We are also grateful to cura.books that has agreed to produce Andrea Bianconiʼs publication as part of his residency project.
This event is also made possible in part by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature.